Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Quirks

My sister Susan tagged me today and here goes... Six unspectacular quirks about myself...

1. Technologically speaking, I am light years behind most of my children and just about anyone reading this. I don't even know how to complete this tagging thing, #1 because I don't have 6 contacts and #2 because I don't know exactly what it means to "link" to other people. At least I got this first part done.*
2. I love to read in the bathtub late at night.
3. I am annoyingly itchy, sneezy and scratchy during allergy season. (Just ask the people who have to live with me). And when I sneeze, please don't bless me after the first one, wait until I'm done... it usually takes a few before I feel better.
4. For lunch today I had a Butterfinger and a chocolate milk. Wow. I should earn some sort of nutrition award for this one!
5. Speaking in front of a large group of people makes me so nervous that if I don't have anything written down, I forget what exactly it is that I was planning to say. One of my scarier moments was saying the closing prayer a couple of years ago at the adult session of stake conference.
6. I am an expert at creating what I like to call "hideous stacks" and unfortunately, quite inept at cleaning them up. One of my typical hideous stacks consists of my children's artwork, report cards, unfinished homework, bills, envelopes, magazines, receipts, pictures, etc.

*Update, my friend Robin apparently doesn't know how to link either and she suggested I just list 6 people to "tag" (and I found some new contacts!!) so here goes: Robin, Amy, Tiffany, Rachel, Crystal and Angela. (I think that's everyone other than Susan, who started this whole thing in the first place)

1.Link to the person who tagged you.
2.Mention the rules on your blog.
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about you.
4.Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them.
5.Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger's blogs letting them know they've been tagged.


Robin said...

Make it easier on yourself and just list them on your blog. That's what I did. I still don't know how to link either and I have been on the computer since the late 90's. It is so a younger generation thing.

I am just as bad about the eating habits. I just eat what I want and it shows in my bad skin, energy level. Maybe when I grow up it will change. HA ha

susan g said...

Very good! I'm impressed. Had a fun day with Effie today. Went too fast . . . Come visit and give Maren some kisses! She needs to be spoiled from her Auntie Esther!

nateandcj said...

I am totally with you on #2 and #5......and I think that a butterfinger is way nutritious for lunch (it has calcium right?)