Monday, October 27, 2008

The wonderful world of a 6-year-old!

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My youngest child, Wesley, is 6 years old and full of something, I'm not sure exactly what. He's absolutely adorable (in my not-quite-objective opinion) and just about the biggest handful I could hope for. Here I am at the end of my child raising rope with approximately no more patience to spare. My first experience raising a six-year-old was 12 years ago and you'd think I'd have this down by now (he's number five). Just a few of his latest adventures in the past week or so... he has shaved off half an eyebrow, disappeared at least 3 times, covered the bathroom at school with hand soap, over-loaded on sugar at the school carnival and just today I got a call from the school that he was on in-school suspension for his third visit to the principal (for fighting). What's a mom to do?? I suppose I'll just enjoy him while he's little because my present level of motherhood experience indicates that it will only get worse before it gets better. After all this, he's still my sweetheart. Yesterday when I was released as his primary teacher he started to cry in church and whispered "I'm hurting too much to talk about it".


Robin said...

What more can you do than love every minute. Sounds like he loves you very much. I have a 2 year old that is like that, in to everything and anything. I can barely keep up! But, he is a boy and there is something special about little boys.

nateandcj said...

That's the youngest for you :) No I think that is totally sweet what he said about him hurting too much to talk about it! Too cute... You just gotta love them right?

It was good to see a new post from you:)