Saturday, September 27, 2008

A day at Sand Hollow with the Eakins

This past July we went with my sister, Amy, her husband, Bob and all of our kids to Sand Hollow Reservoir.

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Wesley and Savannah

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Jared and Taylor

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Marissa and Jessie in a one-man floatie boat

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Not bad for two 40+ year-old guys

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Amy and Zach

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Kylie, Cody & Jessie


susan g said...

Yeah! You figured out pictures. Looks like fun, wish I was there . . .

Richins Family said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Cute pictures! You can get a bunch of links off of mine. If you need help, let me know. Tell your girls that I am still waiting for a club name! :)

Robin said...

Awesome Esther! So glad to hear from you. Happy you are blogging so I can catch up on our life. You have a beautiful family. Please keep in touch.