Thursday, September 25, 2008

My life as I see it.

OK here goes... I've never done this before and I'm very technologically challenged but I'm gonna give it a try. I am a very busy girl these days. I am taking 9 credits at Dixie State College... History, Statistics and CIS - a computer class. Hopefully I'll learn something useful. I'm on track to get my Associate of Arts degree this December! Yes, I started college approximately 23 years ago and I'm only just getting my Associates. It's pretty pathetic but I'm actually really excited. I work at the college as a peer advisor, which is where I share my knowledge of how college works with other students, answer the phone, schedule appointments for the academic advisors, etc. I have five adorable children. The oldest, Kylie, is a freshman at Dixie College. She moved into an apartment about a month ago. We miss her but it's good for her to be on her "own" so to speak, even if she is only 5 miles from home. Ashley is a tenth grader at a brand new high school in town, Desert Hills. She wasn't sure she liked it at first but is gradually adjusting and starting to really enjoy it. She is an awesome artist and hopes to make the soccer team next year. Marissa is 14 in 2 weeks. She is an incredibly smart girl who has many talents. Her dad wants her to become a track star because she has a lot of potential to be a great runner but she is not convinced she wants to do that. Jared, 10, is the kid who feels he is destined to be in the NFL. He is quite sad that we won't let him play tackle football just yet in his career but he is quite the defensive linebacker on his flag football team! Wesley is the youngest, he's nearly 7 years old and quite active, to say the least. He is also playing flag football and is a quick little guy. His biggest problem is that he's either everyone's favorite or least favorite, depending on whatever he just did. Oh yeah, then there's my hubby, Lindsay. He is a marathon-running, over-achieving, hard-working guy who doesn't ever get enough sleep. He'll be running his 9th or 10th St. George Marathon a week from Saturday. What a stud! That kinda sorta sums up what's going on with our family. Hopefully I'll get around to posting something new and exciting in the near-future.


susan g said...

Looks good girl! Now you just have to link up with other people. Find out the blogs of people in your ward, add their blog to yours, then they can see when you post and you can see when they post. Hopefully you can get the pictures worked out. Did you see Rachel's cute smilebox for Landon? You could do that too, just ask her how. Anyway, I'm proud of you!


Wiltbank Family said...

That's neat to hear, Oh by the way, I still have my half dollar too. I think that was the hardest thing in my life, when you took off and left me for greener pastures. I was lost! Hey when you blog like this it is a journal, you can have it made into a bound book with your pictures and every thing. Too cool. Love ya lots, Rachel
P.S. Did you see Robin and Missy's blog's? I wish Kristen had one. Find out