Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tagged by Rachel...

Eight things I am passionate about:
  1. Raising my children to be good people.
  2. People being nice to each other (which is why I'm not a big fan of early morning shopping on Black Friday because it brings out the worst in people).
  3. Reading good books.
  4. Getting A's in my classes.
  5. Spending time with people I love.
  6. Peanut butter and chocolate.
  7. Honesty.
  8. My new Clear Play DVD player!! (don't get me started...)

Eight words or phrases I use the most:

  1. Just shush!
  2. Be nice to your brother/sister!
  3. Academic Advisement Center, this is Esther...
  4. Maybe... Who wants to know?
  5. Where's Wesley?
  6. Go to bed!
  7. Did you brush your teeth?
  8. Did you get your homework done?
Eight things I want to do before I die:

  1. Live long enough to see all my children become happy, productive adults.
  2. Go on an awesome vacation with Lindsay and all of my kids where nobody fights and we all have the time of our lives.
  3. Graduate from college.
  4. Have a career.
  5. Be a snowbird.
  6. Go on a cruise.
  7. Become an organized person.
  8. Get out of debt.

Eight things I need right now:

  1. A cleaner house.
  2. Exercise.
  3. A hot bath with a good book.
  4. A bigger savings account.
  5. For my kids to go to bed.
  6. New shoes for work (I found the perfect ones the other day, one size was too big & the other not big enough, story of my life!)
  7. To get my Primary lesson prepared (I'm subbing until the end of the year)
  8. A new wardrobe.
Eight places I want to visit:
  1. Europe.
  2. Eagar (it's been a while).
  3. Washington D.C. and all the nearby historical sites.
  4. New Zealand.
  5. Mesa.
  6. Lindsay's brother & his wife in Oregon.
  7. Nauvoo (again), it was awesome the first time!
  8. New England.

Eight favorite restaurants:

  1. Don Jose (may it rest in peace, I really, really miss it!)
  2. Marv's.
  3. The Pasta Fact0ry.
  4. Applebees.
  5. Texas Roadhouse.
  6. Jimmy Johns.
  7. Arby's.
  8. Irmita's.
Eight TV shows I watch: (if I really ever had time)

  1. Law and Order.
  2. King of Queens.
  3. Deal or No Deal.
  4. Oprah.
  5. CSI.
  6. Dr. Phil.
  7. The Biggest Loser.
  8. American Idol.

Eighth folder Eighth picture: Kylie's boyfriend's brother apparently stuck in some sort of muddy water... (why this is in my folder, I have no idea.)

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