Thursday, October 2, 2008

Spring break 2008

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I know I'm going back in time here but I'm new to blogging and I want to post some pics from this past March in Arizona. As a kid we drove past this place a hundred times but never stopped. Me, my sister Susan, and our kids went hiking here. Look below and you can see Susan's tummy. She was a few months pregnant with Maren, who was born a little more than a month ago. You can see her if you click on Susan's blog. As you can see, Arizona in the spring is absolutely fabulous!
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Susan, Tainui & Maren


Robin said...

I know what you mean. I tend to digress at times. Just check my blog. You can add my link just like you added Rachel's to your website. Just click on the little tools at the bottom of your friends and family box. Click on Add and put my blog in there. I love getting a heads up to your new news and others. Looks like you had fun in the Desert.

susan g said...

Hey, don't forget to say Maren too so people don't look at my pooch and think "gee she's chubby!" We had a great time with you guys here, it was just too short. I'm glad we went hiking though. That was fun.

Esther Pugmire said...

There Susan, I fixed it. Does that sound better?

susan g said...

Much better, thanks!