Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I'm feeling a little old...

Sunday was my 41st birthday... sigh... Fortunately my family made it a special day for me. It was really nice to lounge around the house all day. Normally I would be rushing around like mad shortly before 1:00, hustling people to finish getting ready, frantically searching for church socks and ties for the boys, gathering up my primary lesson, trying to remember what I wore the week before so I don't look like I only own one church outfit, etc. etc. Thanks to my birthday being on the 5th of October, I never have to get ready for church on my special day. We all sit around in our jammies playing general conference bingo with Smarties, helping the younger kids listen for those key words. After conference I retreated to my bedroom while Lindsay and the kids proceeded to make a yummy dinner while they cleaned up the kitchen, living and dining rooms. Ashley made two cakes, one cute, the other a little not so cute and Kylie called some of our close friends to come over for dessert. The kids put together a photo album for me of random pictures spanning the 22 years Lindsay and I have been together. It was so cute! Marissa made me a cute card. Kylie stayed here over the weekend and it was a lot of fun to have her back home once again. Lindsay was a trooper to join in as he was recovering from the marathon he ran the day before (in the wind and rain, no less!) Anyhow, I just want my family to know how much I appreciate their thoughtfulness on my big day. Next Sunday probably won't be so idyllic... it's the Primary Program. Oh well.


Richins Family said...

Happy Birthday Esther! Sounds like you had a great day. I like the lounging in pj's idea!

Tell your girls our new name
KABAAM! They will know what it means. :)

Robin said...

Happy Birthday! I understand the "old" feeling. I turned 41 in September. I wouldn't mind so much if my body would stop falling apart. LOL Glad it was a good day for you.

susan g said...

I tagged you to tell 6 quirky things about yourself on your blog. See mine for details. www.pairewa.blogspot.com.


susan g said...

Add Amy's blog I created. It's http://eakins8.blogspot.com

Wiltbank Family said...

Esther, What is happening to us? I don't like this "Getting old" stuff. Enjoy our 40's because when we're 60 we'll wish we would have! I love ya and hope you have a wonderful year! Talk to you soon, Rachel

Esther Pugmire said...

I know Rachel, I guess we can never be happy with who or where we are in life. I'm good. It was a lot worse turning 40, I can say that much! This birthday was sort of like a non-event.